Town of Byron – Regular Board Meeting
Byron Town Hall
Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 7:00 – 8:10 p.m.
Attending: Chair Francis Ferguson, Supervisors Lowell Boelk and David Whitty, Treasurer Lois Towne and Clerk Kay Oestreich. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Agenda: MOTION (Boelk, Whitty) Approve the agenda. Carried
Minutes: MOTION (Whitty, Boelk) Approve the November 9th minutes as circulated. Carried
Approve Bills: MOTION: (Whitty, Boelk) Approve the bills as presented with the addition of a bill from Todd Pinno for ditching. Carried Mr. Pinno has purchased a salter from the town for $3,500; this amount will be deducted from his bill for ditching.
Building Permits: Marlin Towne reported that 3 permits were issued this past month.
Memorial Committee: On November 10th a flyover of two F16s honored the Town of Byron. People of the town only had 30 minutes notification of the time of the event so not everyone could be contacted. Francis Ferguson sent thank you notes to those responsible for this event. The annual Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner will be held on St Patrick’s Day at the Lomira Legion. Raffle tickets are being printed and will be for sale shortly.
Historical Committee: The Historical Committee held their “Open House and Christmas Tree Lighting” on December 4th. They had a lighter turnout than prior years. The 2011 calendars are available for sale. The next meeting of the Historical Committee will be next Monday and feature a pot luck meal.
Decisions of Plan Committee - Board of Appeals: None
Public Comments: Francis Ferguson explained that an item is on the agenda regarding Hunters Point for the Board’s decision and only that subject will be discussed at this meeting.
At the September meeting a question came up regarding a driveway on Oaklane Road. Larry Wuench questioned if the Board had looked into the matter. Francis reported that they had visited the site and determined that the driveway on the west side of the road was an existing drive that didn’t require a permit.
Betty Hungerford questioned when the public would know what the Board’s decision on the Hunters Point matter would be available. The decision will be made at this meeting and posted in the minutes.
Ron Boda thanked the Town for cutting the brush along the road ditches. The Clerk is to call Weyers Equipment to get the bill for the rental of the brush cutter.
Jim Hungerford asked how long it took to plow the roads. Lowell Boelk reported that it took approximately 4 ½ hours on the east side of Highway 41 and 3 ½ on the west side of the highway. Jim also questioned the start time as it seamed later that last year. Ron Wendler reported that they are out at 5:00 a.m.
Unfinished Business
Driveway Notices: Francis Ferguson reported that all persons who were sent letters to clean up culverts have completed the work.
New Business
a) Budget Balances: Current balance is $88,029.95. MOTION (Boelk, Whitty) to pay the Weyers Equipment bill in this fiscal year. Carried
b) Christmas Party: The Annual Christmas Party is scheduled for January 12, 2010 at Northwinds Supper Club for Town Employees and Committee Persons. Discussion was held regarding the cost of the meal and what portion the town should pay. MOTION (Boelk, Whitty) each person attending the Town Christmas Party should pay $12.50, or $25.00 a couple, for the meal. Carried
c) Legal Research: Francis Ferguson reported that he had received a letter from Attorney St Peter requesting permission to have his associate, Matt Parmentier, review the legislative history on what constitutes a “sport shooting range”. Hunters Point has a new attorney that alleges that Wis. Stat. 895.527 gives the Cardinals the right to operate sporting clays. Mr. St Peter disagrees and would like the issue researched. MOTION: (Boelk, Whitty) to approve the reviewing of legislative history on what constitutes a “sport shooting range” by Matt Parmentier. Carried
d) Farmland Preservation Maps and Ordinance have been sent to DATCP: The Farmland Preservation Maps and Ordinances were sent to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection with a few changes. There was some confusion regarding Larry Wuench’s property. Francis is to call Warren Utech and have him contact Larry to get the matter resolved.
e) Oakfield Public Schools Named “Blue Ribbon School”: Francis Ferguson reported that he had been invited to the reception at the Oakfield School. Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education presented the school with the “Blue Ribbon School” award. Congratulations Oakfield! MOTION: (Ferguson, Boelk) to print and sign a certificate of congratulations and present it to the Oakfield School. Carried
The Oakfield School District will hold its school board meeting on April 26th at the Byron Town Hall.
f) Report on December 6th Seminar at Holiday Inn in Fond du Lac: The three Board Members attended this meeting. The board will need to look into out subdivision ordinances to comply with the changes in State Statutes.
g) Future Agenda Items:
Larry Wuench asked how many people could be on the April Election before a Primary Election would have to be held and he was told three.
The Clerk still has nomination papers available for persons who would like their name on the April 5th ballot. The signed papers are due on January 4, 2010 by 5:00 p.m. to the Clerk. Positions on the ballot are Chairperson, Supervisor 1, Supervisor 2, Clerk and Treasurer.
Francis Ferguson reported that the county is interested in purchasing 13 acres of land from Keith Searl for a park along the ledge at a cost of $195,000. Francis
s not sure that this is a good location for this use and had suggested other locations. Discussion followed. Francis urged interested persons to contact their County Board Representatives.
Next Board Meeting January 11, 2011.
Adjournment: MOTION (Boelk, Whitty) to adjourn. Carried
Kay Oestreich, Clerk
Dates to remember: (All meetings listed below are held at the Byron Town Hall unless otherwise noted and are open to the public)
Monday December 20th – Historical Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday January 11th – January Board Meeting 7:00
Wednesday January 12th – Town Christmas Party, Northwinds Supper Club